A loving god

A loving god poem by Judas1

Perhaps the most beautiful thing I know, is a god that loves, listens and absolves my sin. Surely a god that offers hope is man's most beautiful creation, because it makes me want to believe it real, even though I know it's not.

Dear God,
I may not believe in you
but I still talk to you for:
it makes me feel good;
it makes my words feel heard;
and sometimes I find answers.
Isn't that reason enough?


The meaning is believing that believing is enough, for faith is what we have instead of God. I've long sought to make sense of life but rationalism leaves little room for hope. And so I yearn for more. I yearn for a hope that cannot be reasoned.


Yesterday I said a prayer
to a god that wasn't there.
I said my prayer again today,
I'm sure it wished I'd go away.


Like a plague it swept the world and in its wake seeds of doubt, for the only real message was the flaws of faith: I am wrath, I am war, I am the god of it all. Everywhere but nowhere, there is no god but God and even then not even, for there is no God at all.